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Unless otherwise stated, the cost of each monthly project is $10.00, with or without the surface.  

To register for the monthly project, call Sue Clark 760-265-4453 or Diana Van Riel 760 -646-2285.

JANUARY 26, 2016  6:00 p.m.



PROJECT:  Fun with Chalky Paint and More!


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Regular painting supplies.


POTLUCK THEME:  Soup Competition.  If you don't bring soup, we also need rolls

and butter, sides, and desserts. 




FEBRUARY 23, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Jane Haggard

Permission granted by designer, Rosemary West, to teach project.


PROJECT:  Bunny Cone


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Bring a clipboard or an 8.5" x 11"  piece of cardboard to tape your project to.  It is easier to paint if it is on a hard surface.  You will need your regular painting supplies and a pair of small, sharp scissors so you can cut out your project if you finish early.  DecoArt Paints:  Avocado, Black, Boysenberry Pink, Cadmium Orange, Jack O'Lantern Orange, Light Avocado, Midnight Blue, Mustard Seed, Plum, Sea Breeze, Yellow Green, and White.  The project is base coated in Mint Julip Green so bring a cubby if you think you will need to take some home. 

POTLUCK THEME:  Bring your favorite GREEN dish!  It can have green in the title, green in the dish, or be your favorite Irish dish.  See how creative you can be!




MARCH 22, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Dorothy Patton

Permission granted by designer, Naomi Brown, to teach project


PROJECT:  Sunflowers and Crows Wine Bottle


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Regular painting supplies.


POTLUCK THEME:  Easter Theme.  Bring your favorite Easter dish.



APRIL 26, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Barbara Underwood 

Permission granted by designer, Janet Riegel , to teach project.


PROJECT:  Santa     


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Regular painting supplies.  DecoAmericana palette knife,

#2 flat, 10/0 liner and #5 round.





MAY 24, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Heidi Allison   


PROJECT:  Bee Tree (Designer, Terrye French)   


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Regular painting supplies including a dry brush brush, liner, small flat or filbert for leaves, #2 liner or round, favorite stipple brush.  


DecoArt Paints:  Avocado, Black, Black Green, Black Plum, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Country Red, Deep Midnight Blue, Dioxazine Purple, Golden Straw, Gooseberry Pink, Honey Brown, Hot Shots Yellow, Marigold, Milk Chocolate, Payne's Gray, Royal Purple, Sand, White, Winter Blue  


POTLUCK THEME:  Cinco De Mayo.  Come join us for a Taco Salad Bar.  



JUNE 28, 2016  6:00 p.m.


Permission granted by designer, Deb Antonick , to teach project.  


PROJECT:  Country Chicken   



Regular painting supplies.  

Brushes:  Dry brushes, mop brush, liner #4, filbert.  

DecoArt Paints:  Berry Red, Black, Black Plum, Burnt Sienna, Hauser Lt Green, Milk Chocolate, Neon Fiery Red, Plantation Pine, Rookwood Red, Sand, Slate Grey, Traditional Burnt Umber, True Ochre, True Red, and Warm White.  

Stencil:  Chicken wire stencil (maker unknown).


POTLUCK THEME:  Summer Salads      



JULY 26, 2016 6:00 p.m. 

GUEST TEACHER:  Ina Zentner   


PROJECT:  Postal Poinsettia   


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  DecoArt Paints:  Antique Rose, Camel, Deep Burgundy, Hauser Light Green, Lemonade, Light Cinnamon, Light Mocha, Melon, Payne’s Grey, Plantation Pine, Snow (Titanium) White, Soft Black, and Crystal Glamour Dust; Regular paint ing supplies.  Small snowflake stencil and specialty sponge set.


POTLUCK THEME:  Hot Dogs and More!



AUGUST 23, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Judy Coates  


PROJECT:  Wicked Welcome Owl Yard Sign 





SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Regular painting supplies.  DecoArt Paints:  Black Forest Green, Bleached Sand, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Dioxanine Purple, Driftwood, Hauser Medium Green, Jack O'Lantern Orange, Lamp Black, Olive Green, Snow White, Soft Black.



Bring your favorite main dish, salad, side dish or dessert for all to enjoy.



SEPTEMBER 27, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Beth Murena 

Permission granted by designer, Kim Christmas, to teach project. 


PROJECT:  Halloween Plaque   


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  DecoArt Paint:  Boysenberry Pink, Burnt Orange, Cool White, Lamp Black, Mulberry, Mustard Seed, Oyster Beige, Raw Sienna, Russet, Spiced Pumpkin, Tangelo, Tomato Red, Traditional Burnt Umber, Vivid Violet, Yellow Light; Brushes:  Glaze Wash 3/4, Shaders 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, Angulars 1/2", 3/8", 1/4", Liners 10/0, 5/0, 0, Domed Stencil 3/16, 1/4; Misc Supplies: 1/2" check stencil, stylus, transfer paper, fine sandpaper, medium sea wool sponge, Glamour Dust.





OCTOBER 25, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Maggie Miller   


PROJECT:  Black Cat   


SUPPLIES NEEDED:  DecoArt Paint:  Banana Cream, Burnt Umber, Chartreuse Yellow, Citron Green, Country Red, Hauser Dark Green, Hauser Light Green, Hauser Medium Green, Honey Brown, Lamp Black, Margarita, Orange Twist, Spicy Mustard, Titanium White, Yellow Light; Brushes:  #3 round, 10/0 liner, 3/8" angle or #10 curved flat, 1/4 & 3/8" crescent brush for drybrushing, #4 filbert, #1 flat for basecoating; Other Supplies:  white transfer paper, stylus, palette paper.





NOVEMBER 15, 2016  6:00 p.m.

GUEST TEACHER:  Janet Mitchell   

Permission granted by designer, Sandra Malone, to teach project.




SUPPLIES NEEDED:  DecoArt Paint:  Blue Haven, Brilliant Red, Burgundy Wine, Coral Blush, Light Buttermilk, Light Flesh, Light French Blue, Primary Yellow, Raspberry, Tangelo, Uniform Blue, Warm White


Regular painting supplies.


POTLUCK THEME:  Thanksgiving Dinner

The DQT Board will provide the turkey and normal "fixins" for our potluck.  All other members are encouraged to bring their favorite side dish or dessert.



DECEMBER 6, 2016  6:00 p.m.

ANNUAL DQT Christmas Party

"Turn on the Twinkle"



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