Unless otherwise stated, the cost of each monthly project is $10.00, with or without the surface.
Should the teacher incur a cost for the pattern or the surface (more than the $7.00 allowed by DQT),
the cost of the pattern and/or additional surface cost will be added to the $10.00 charge.
To register for the monthly project, call Diana Van Riel 760 -240-0068.

JANUARY 23, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than January 15, 2018
Click here for a copy of the Program Flier
Our January meeting will be a non-painting month. Please come to join us for an evening full of fun and laughter - dinner, raffles, and some friendly competition. Those attending will be charged $10.00.

FEBRUARY 27, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than February 12, 2018
GUEST TEACHER: Jeannetta Cimo
PROJECT: "Welcome Spring" Watering Can
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Avocado, Black Green, Burnt Sienna, Golden Straw, Grey Sky, Heritage Brick, Lamp Black, Lavender, Light Avocado, Light Buttermilk, Light Orchid, Melon, Pansy, Slate Grey, Titanium White, and Zinc. Brushes - Regular paint brushes. Supplies: Regular paint supplies.
POTLUCK THEME: Be My Valentine
We will be having a Potato Bar. Board members will provide the potatoes and fixings. All other members should bring salads or desserts (CHERRY theme).

MARCH 27, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than March 19, 2018
Click here for a copy of the Program Flier
PROJECT: Stars and Stripes Plaque
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Black Plum, Country Red, Deep Midnight Blue, Khaki Tan, Lamp Black, Light Buttermilk, Mink Tan, Mississippi Mud, Rockwood Red, Any Gold. Brushes - Dry Brushes, Flat Brushes, #2 Round. Regular Painting Supplies including white graphite.
POTLUCK THEME: "Oodles of Noodles" - Celebrating National Noodle Month
Bring your favorite NOODLE recipe (main dish, side dish, or salad} OR a dessert of your choice.

APRIL 24, 2018 6:00 p.m.
PROJECT: "UFO" (Unfinished Objects aka Projects) Night
SUPPLIES NEEDED: Bring your unfinished projects to work on and complete with the assistance of fellow members. It is our hope that you will finish and/or bring at least one project to submit into the San Bernardino County Fair.
POTLUCK THEME: BYOM (Bring Your Own Meal)
We will not have a potluck this month. Instead, each of our members are invited to bring their own meal to eat.

MAY 22, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than May 14, 2018
GUEST TEACHER: Janet Mitchell
PROJECT: America Map Plaque
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Brilliant Red, Buttermilk, Deep Burgundy, Hauser Medium Green, Lamp Black, Marigold, Payne's Grey, Raw Sienna, Russet, Traditional Burnt Umber, and Uniform Blue. Brushes - Regular and dry brushes. Supplies - Regular painting supplies.
POTLUCK THEME: Cinco de Mayo Taco Bar

JUNE 26, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than June 18, 2018
The cost for this project will be $15.00
GUEST TEACHER Jeannetta Cimo
PROJECT: Watermelon Salt and Pepper Shakers
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Black Forest Green, Black Plum, Citron Green, Country Red, Deep Burgundy, Irish Moss, Lamp Black, Leaf Green, Lemonade, Slate Grey, Snow White, Spice Pink, Watermelon Slice.
POTLUCK THEME: Bring your favorite dish!

JULY 24, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than July 16, 2018
GUEST TEACHER: Heidi Allison
PROJECT: Scarecrow and Frankenstein Candy Dishes
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Americana - Bleached Sand, Burgundy Wine, Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Hauser Medium Green, Honey Brown, Lamp Black, Midnite Green, Milk Chocolate, Mississippi Mud, Olive Green, Orange Twist, Oyster Beige, Plantation Pine, Slate Grey, Spicy Mustard, Turquoise, Vivid Violet, Warm White. Brushes - Favorite brushes for dry brushing, shading, and linework. Maybe a small filbert, flat or round for leaves. #2 would work. Supplies - Regular painting supplies.
No Meeting
This Month
AUGUST 28, 2018 6:00 p.m.
We will not have a meeting this month since our Summer Seminar is scheduled for August 24-25, 2018. We hope that you will plan to attend another great seminar taught by a featured artist to be announced.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than September 17, 2018
PROJECT: The Magic of Christmas Owl (Last in Series)
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Bleached Sand, Burlap, Deep Midnight Blue, Espresso, Hauser Medium Green, Irish Moss, Lamp Black, Marigold, Midnight Blue, Sapphire, Snow White, Soft Black, Tangelo Orange, Tuscan Red, Uniform Blue. Brushes and Supplies - Large Stencil Brush or Large Deerfoot, #2 flat with good chisel, Favorite Drybrushes.
POTLUCK THEME: Breakfast Bar and Apple Desserts

OCTOBER 23, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than October 15, 2018
PROJECT: Halloween Cup
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Antique Rose, Antique White, Avocado Dip, Bittersweet Chocolate, Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna, Canyon Orange, Dark Chocolate, Dioxazine Purple, Golden Straw, Hauser Dark Green, Honey Brown, Lamp Black, Moon Yellow, Neutral Grey, Pansy Lavender, Soft Black, Warm White, Brushes - Favorite dry and regular shading brushes. Other Supplies - Regular Painting Supplies.

NOVEMBER 27, 2018 6:00 p.m.
RSVP no later than November 20, 2017
PROJECT: Four Seasons
Taught with permission from designer, Theresa Prokop
SUPPLIES NEEDED: DecoArt Paint - Antique Gold, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow, Country Blue, Houser Light Green, Hauser Dark Green, Lamp Black, Mocha, Natural Buff, Pumpkin, Primary Red, Warm White. Supplies - Regular painting supplies. Black Identi Pen.
POTLUCK THEME: Thanksgiving Feast

DECEMBER 4, 2018 6:00 p.m.
ANNUAL DQT Christmas Party
For more information contact Christmas Party Chairperson